The Green New Deal: Economic Implications on US-Germany Relations given by Dr. Claudia Kemfert

This past September, we had the great pleasure of hosting Dr. Claudia Kemfert, a leading energy economist from Germany to discuss the need for investment into reversing the affects of climate change.

"Our planet is running a fever and this fever will continue if we do not change our systems in place away from the use of fossil fuels to a  more renewable energy saving mechanism." 

"Our planet is running a fever and this fever will continue if we do not change our systems in place away from the use of fossil fuels to a  more renewable energy saving mechanism." 

A full house at the ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain sat captivated and in awe of the the expertise she had to offer. Kemfert brought to light the individualistic approach we so often see in society and the need to instead, find unity in efforts to diminish the damaging impact we have made on our planet; climate change affects us all. However, change can and must start on a local effort.

Kemfert emphasized the tremendous need to make climate change policies affordable to the every day tax payer, including efforts to promote public transportation and renewable energy resources. Without the support of people on a local level, she argued, we cannot make the kind of change necessary to reverse the negative affects of climate change which have ensued thus far.

The talk was followed with an eager array of questions from the audience which were met with very thoughtful responses from Kemfert. The questions continued into meaningful conversation during a cocktail hour which followed the presentation.

Doing what we do best, bringing Vermont to the world and the world to Vermont

Doing what we do best, bringing Vermont to the world and the world to Vermont

On behalf of the people of Vermont, we are deeply moved by Dr. Claudia Kemfert's presentation, thankful for her time and sharing her thoughts with us and hopeful for positive change to be made in the near future.


Women Entrepreneurs - Brazil


Senator Leahy and the VCWA