Elections 2020 Initiative: Emily Peyton
Emily Peyton, of Putney, VT, will be running in the Republican primaries for Governor of Vermont this August 11, 2020.
2020 Elections Initiative
The VCWA, an independent, non-partisan, and apolitical non-profit, is working to raise awareness, education, and voter participation in the upcoming primaries through our 2020 Elections Initiative. The views and opinions expressed are those of the candidate and do not necessarily reflect the VCWA’s position, nor is this initiative an endorsement for any candidate
As an organization we want to encourage citizens of all ages and backgrounds to make their voices heard by voting in the August 11th primaries. As a result, we asked Governor and Lieutenant Governor candidates four interview questions relating to leadership style, platform, and their vision for Vermont. Our objective is to help future voters feel confident and secure in the votes they cast. The questions we selected will provide voters with a well rounded understanding of each candidate.
Emily Peyton
Running for Governor
Emily Peyton
How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a“favorite failure”?
Like Bernie once did, I have the distinction of being a "perennial candidate”. Obviously failing numbers of times to be elected is rough. However I have seen policy proposals I championed come into fruition such as hemp and a nod towards public banking that resulted in 30% for Vermont through VEDA. In past election cycles, I have dealt with the harshness of our election system by employing humor; creating De Udder Party, holding "Free Your Inner Sovereign Ceremonies in Burlington and other amusing political theatre events.
These times however require my full intent, and I am finding it actually easier to show up than when I gave myself excuses to lose. While extremely hard to experience, I have absolutely benefited from those losing experiences to arrive at the understanding I have today of how to manifest deep and lasting reform.
What strategies have you used to respond to diversity and equity challenges in the past? How will you apply these strategies to engage with the Black Lives Matter movement in Vermont?
I have at the core of my campaign the primary issue of an unjust monetary system. I champion solutions that allow for the expansion of our means of exchange ( money) to take the first steps into our new economy that by design supports virtuous activities and excludes rapacious ones. I will call together a summit of Vermonters interested in monetary reform for social justice, and experts in that field, of which I am one, to design our expanded system of exchange and when ready, help Vermonters understand it. A Vermont People's Exchange will give neighborhood councils the power to fund the things that need to be done using local resources,services, skill and elbow grease. The People's Exchange works like a private business to business barter system, but for Vermont people. It will be a new primary means of business for all matters within Vermont, importantly, it does not carry the burden of debt as it expands everyone's capacity to engage in our economy. and our capacity to support creative responses to climate change and social issues. At the core of all injustice is an unjust money supply, it is my position that equality means people with enough money to engage in the economy to fill their primary needs.
I will additionally call into place people's assemblies, generated by neighborhood councils, and initiate a discussion to design our judicial system for restoration of our social fabric, making restorative justice the outcome of every nonviolent criminal case, and as much as safely possible the outcome of every violent one. These new measures and methods of justice may need to be enshrined in our constitution, thus during the first two years, Vermonters in the Justice Council will work on the wording for that.
You see, I will call together affected Vermonters to redesign our judicial response to nonviolent crime for restorative methods. Insofar as we are safe to do so, we will expand restorative justice to minor violent crimes as well. I will oversee the restoration of the term peace officers and insist we champion peaceful methods, ridding our ranks of officers with a penchant for violence. Since 9/11 our police forces have become over militarized, and our absolute right to be free of search and seizure has been ignored by the government. This is unacceptable to me and I will stop surveillance of free people, including data collection in place and planned through 5G. I am engaging the sheriffs to stand up for our freedoms in case there is any further effort by big government to remove our complete and total authority over our own bodies. The official story too often leaves out a corporate political agenda to divide us by fueling a race war, we need to examine the role of paid provocateurs to initiate violence at peaceful protests. A corporate political agenda exists to create the impression that peaceful black people are violent. Officers shall not have the right to harm or kill anyone any longer.
Historically, enforced competition for money kept artificially and deliberately scarce supply for those who need it most creates an environment of distrust and anger amongst all kinds of people, as politicians justify taxation that creates tension and feeds learned helplessness. I am the champion of solutions to this core issue of our unjust money supply, indeed candidates tweaking the budget while continuing to back the immoral rules of our US dollar system that sucks value from the least and hands it to the rapaciously ruthless falls far short of the leadership I provide in these times of crisis. As I command a just money supply to fruition, Vermonters of every color will have the means to participate in our virtuous economy, eliminating the crime of too little money for those who need it most.
Importantly, to experience humanity and stop planetary destruction I lead Vermonters to step into the ultimate power of peace. Peace is so strong, it insists on fairness, creativity, and nonviolent outcomes to every problem. Peace also allows for an abundance of wealth. Peace makes us strong and gives us more freedom. Corporate politics stokes division of all kinds, carried out by mainstream media, because fearful people are controllable, and manipulatable. Corporate power grows as we are divided and conquered by our mere labels. Republican, Democrat, White, Black, Conservative, Progressive, these are labels that confuse us. Let us drop labels that confuse us and focus on codes of conduct that honor our equality and uplifts our human experience. My leadership is not simply political, it is transformative and exciting.
In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life? How will you apply this to strengthen your vision as the Lieutenant Governor or Governor of Vermont?
I have become more focused on my ability to provide leadership, and to that end I have continued to put more time towards activities of social justice. This means a sacrifice of many enjoyable talents, such as drawing, painting, comedy, creating music, even gardening and cooking have all been set aside to focus all my life's power to the just and sustainable solutions. Of course, instead of doing these activities, I enjoy other's contributions. Normally I would do all my graphic design, but my lawn signs have been designed by a volunteer, they are far superior to anything I could do. My partner and I have recently completed a hempcrete structure, to advance the local understanding of this transformationally healthy, carbon-sequestering fireproof building material. I did enjoy designing this structure! I have by necessity, stopped fat-shaming myself, and instead accepted my stout body shape as helpful to my work. A stout woman is a power to be reckoned with, and I now embrace that fully. Additionally, I am beginning to step into the appearance required for a public role. In times prior, I am quite simple, no makeup, no jewelry, simple clothes. But with the seriousness of these times, I find it pleasantly helpful to have a look that is more put together as I do outreach. I am delegating more and letting go of the idea of if you want something done right you must do it yourself, in fact, what I want is Vermonters to be doing the activities of governance, to invigorate government by for, through and with and of course of, the people. Getting comfortable through my hands-on national experience with dynamic governance and NVC, nonviolent communication, has helped me to learn to ask the right questions, rather than deliver the right answer. Asking the right questions help others expand into comfort with answers that they would otherwise reject.
For example, here is an important question or two: Why does South Dakota matter to Vermont? Because in SD everyone has been free to hug, kiss, mingle, do business everywhere and care for one another through Covid. SD has had no lockdown, no forced closure of small businesses yet they have had no adverse outcome, even though their cities are much larger than ours. Sioux Falls has over 175 thousand people! Burlington has only 44 thousand or so. Why have both states enjoyed equally and stunningly low deaths? Is it constitutionally allowable to surveil free people or invade their bodies? I will answer with another question: Can freedom and surveillance coexist? Is the untested 5G rollout a violation of the Nuremberg principles to be safe from experimentation? People must be willing to be subjected to the 60ghz bandwidth of 5g, and they cannot be willing if they are not informed of the risks that scientists and doctors warn about its effect on the oxygen molecule. Another important question: Why does the bill of rights matter? Because our freedoms are wise.
VCWA’s motto is, "Bringing Vermont to the world and the world to Vermont". What do you believe Vermont’s primary role is in engaging in an interconnected world? What can Vermont contribute to the world that other states or countries cannot?
As I champion reforms in our small state that excite the breadth of creativity of our people it will shine beyond our small borders, where worldwide a consciousness has awoken. Our success here will inspire people everywhere. You see, people think they want a revolution, which is a violent, bloody, and repetitive outcome. Evolution is more appropriate, an evolution of systems to serve the next thousand years of peace. Evolution is exactly what I intend to do; evolve our economy and our governance systems to reflect the outcomes we know in our hearts is possible. If you look at my work to bring hempstone villages (hempstonevillages.org) you will see how I am in the planning stages of a member-run franchise system of small intentional neighborhoods, a major portion of which will be designated for guests from around the world. Please take the time to see our promotional video on that website to understand the comprehension of our collective capacity to move sooner into the just beauty of wellbeing when nature is allowed to heal us and inspire us.