About Elections 2020 Initiative

The VCWA, an independent, non-partisan, and apolitical non-profit, is working to raise awareness, education, and voter participation in the upcoming primaries through our 2020 Elections Initiative. The views and opinions expressed are those of the candidate and do not necessarily reflect the VCWA’s position, nor is this initiative an endorsement for any candidate

As an organization we want to encourage citizens of all ages and backgrounds to make their voices heard by voting in the August 11th primaries. As a result, we asked Governor and Lieutenant Governor candidates four interview questions relating to leadership style, platform, and their vision for Vermont. Our objective is to help future voters feel confident and secure in the votes they cast. The questions we selected will provide voters with a well rounded understanding of each candidate.

Voting Information

Registering to Vote & Requesting a Mail Ballot

At any time, you can check your voter history, registration information, and request mail ballots for this year’s elections, at mvp.vermont.gov. If you are a registered voter, you will soon be receiving a postcard in the mail with a prepaid mail-in ballot request tear-off. You can fill that out and return it instead of going online to receive your ballot in the mail.

Registering to Vote & Requesting a Mail Ballot

At any time, you can check your voter history, registration information, and request mail ballots for this year’s elections, at mvp.vermont.gov. If you are a registered voter, you will soon be receiving a postcard in the mail with a prepaid mail-in ballot request tear-off. You can fill that out and return it instead of going online to receive your ballot in the mail.

Registering to Vote Checklist

  • Know the last Vermont town where you were registered to vote, if applicable.

  • Have your driver’s license on hand to log into your voting profile or to register to vote

Receiving & Completing Your Mail Ballot

Mail-in ballots for the Primary Election are now being sent out and must be mailed back or returned in person to your local town office by August 11. You will be sent three different ballots for each party with major candidates seeking to be on the November General Election ballot. You must pick one ballot of the party of your choice and vote on that ballot. You must then send your completed ballot in a signed envelope with the two unused ballots in a separate envelope back to the town office to cast a valid vote. All of these materials will be sent to you with instructions.

Dropping the ballot in the mail on August 11 will likely mean your vote is not counted. As the election draws closer, if you do not get it in the mail on time, you can instead bring the ballot to the town offices before the election or to the polls on August 11 and drop it off in person. Please be sure to wear a mask to your local town office or to the polls! 

Early Voting & Election Day

If you would like to vote in person, you can now register to vote, receive a ballot, or drop off your mail ballot at your local town office any time between now and Election Day. There is also same-day voter registration in Vermont, so you can register on August 11 and vote that same day at your local polling place. If you requested a mail-in ballot, you can bring it to the polls and vote. Even if you forget or lose your ballot, as long as you have not been marked down as already having voted, you can still vote!

Please make yourself heard and counted by voting.


Elections 2020 Initiative: Rebecca Holcombe


A Letter from Vinson