Elections 2020 Initiative: Doug Cavett

Doug Cavett of Milton, VT will be running in the Democratic and Republican primaries for Governor of Vermont this August 11, 2020.

2020 Elections Initiative

The VCWA, an independent, non-partisan, and apolitical non-profit, is working to raise awareness, education, and voter participation in the upcoming primaries through our 2020 Elections Initiative. The views and opinions expressed are those of the candidate and do not necessarily reflect the VCWA’s position, nor is this initiative an endorsement for any candidate

As an organization we want to encourage citizens of all ages and backgrounds to make their voices heard by voting in the August 11th primaries. As a result, we asked Governor and Lieutenant Governor candidates four interview questions relating to leadership style, platform, and their vision for Vermont. Our objective is to help future voters feel confident and secure in the votes they cast. The questions we selected will provide voters with a well rounded understanding of each candidate.

Doug Cavett


Running for Governor

Doug Cavett


How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a “favorite failure”? 

Yes! I failed to educate myself in the Criminal Financial System and it's coercive, manipulative and terroristic behaviors, until just recently. Now that I know how this system works, and I have litigated civil rights cases in the Civil, Criminal and Supreme Courts of Vermont, I can educate the populace of the unimaginable like prosecutors being able to legally present false evidence to the courts, knowingly having witnesses commit perjury, and conspiring with witnesses in order to force a plea deal. 

 What strategies have you used to respond to diversity and equity challenges in the past? How will you apply these strategies to engage with the Black Lives Matter movement in Vermont? 

My whole campaign is based on opportunity! Without opportunity given to the most marginalized segments of our population, equity will never exist. I have assisted these groups in their legal matters and have given them a platform to speak in both my campaign and in a Louder Than Words group I founded.

 In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life? How will you apply this to strengthen your vision as the Lieutenant Governor or Governor of Vermont?

I finally learned how to be assertive to protect the rights that belong to all human beings. I learned that I must "Be the Change I Want to See," and that "Silence Will Not Be Spoken Here!" 

VCWA’s motto is, "Bringing Vermont to the world and the world to Vermont". What do you believe Vermont’s primary role is in engaging in an interconnected world? What can Vermont contribute to the world that other states or countries cannot? 

Vermont can contribute a place to invest in a personal dream. We had a beautiful EB5 investment program up and running, but our own corrupt public officials stole the money from the investors and never honored their word or their part of the agreement for investment. Vermont's primary role in engaging in an interconnected world must be to revive this program and its opportunities for investment in Vermont and Personal Dreams! 


Elections 2020 Initiative: John Klar


Elections 2020 Initiative: David Zuckerman