Global Leadership Program FAQs
What is the Global Leadership Program?
The Global Leadership Program is a professional development and global engagement program designed by the Vermont Council on World Affairs that seeks to connect professionals across Vermont with topics, policymakers, and ideas of global significance that impact their communities throughout the state. This program is meant to expand participants’ knowledge of international issues and provide opportunities to develop and improve their leadership skills.
Who is the Global Leadership Program for?
This program is designed for professionals interested in broadening their knowledge of international issues, developing valuable leadership skills, and expanding their professional network. While direct international experience is not a requirement for this program, the ideal candidates will have an interest in global affairs and a desire to learn more about the world beyond our borders and how it impacts life here in Vermont.
What can I expect to gain from this program?
During the Global Leadership Program, you will gain a new understanding and appreciation for the international processes that impact life in communities around the world and the organizations and policymakers that influence them. Through monthly professional development workshops, discussion groups, and meetings with local and international experts, you will develop the knowledge and skills to increase your global consciousness and become better leaders and more engaged global citizens.
When is the application deadline?
Applications for the Global Leadership Program will be reviewed over the summer months, the priority deadline is August 1, 2024, and applications will be accepted through September 1, 2024. Final decisions will be made in early September. We encourage all applicants to apply early.
Where will the program take place?
All meetings will take place in-person in the Burlington area.
Accepted participants are expected to attend all sessions in person, if a participant misses two or more sessions they will be removed from the program.
Is there a fee to apply to the program?
Yes - there is a $25 non-refundable fee to apply. If you are accepted into the program the application fee will be put toward the program cost. If you are a VCWA Member business employee, the application fee is waived.
If this application fee is prohibitive to you applying, please email
How much does the program cost?
The cost of the Global Leadership Program is $1,700 for employees of VCWA member businesses and $2,200 for employees of non-member businesses. The cost of the program is meant to be covered by the participant’s employer as a gesture of support for their participation; however, participants are welcome to apply as individuals. Limited scholarships are available to ensure that this program is accessible to all Vermont professionals.
What time commitment can I expect as a participant in this program?
Participants are expected to review supplemental materials to properly prepare for each monthly meeting. The supplemental material is meant to bolster the discussion and provide additional information for participants. It will typically require 1-2 hours of additional commitment per month. Employers must be supportive of this time commitment.
What does a typical programming day look like?
Participants will meet monthly, on a Wednesday, beginning in October and ending in June apart from December, which we will take off. Specific programming dates will be announced prior to the beginning of the Global Leadership Program. Each session will be a full day, with a break for lunch and various shorter breaks throughout the day. Every session will have two main focuses: a broad global affairs topic, which we will explore with local and international experts; and a professional development workshop, where we discuss and develop a specific leadership skill. Sessions will be informed by at-home readings, which we expect to be completed in advance.